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How Do I...Submit an Academic Appeal?

All students must maintain a 2.0 overall GPA to be in good standing and are given one probation semester after their overall GPA drops below 2.0 at the end of fall or spring semesters. If the overall GPA does not reach a 2.0 in that probation semester or if the semester GPA is below 2.5, students are suspended. A student who was placed on suspension must earn a minimum 2.00 GPA the first semester back and raise the cumulative GPA to at least 2.00 by the end of the second semester back or earn a 2.50 GPA for every semester following the suspension until the cumulative GPA is 2.00 or greater.

Any appeal for exceptions to the policy must be based on very unusual circumstances. University Studies students should follow the below process and submit by the due date.

  • Reflect on your past semester and the circumstances that you believe led you to this point and discuss this with your academic advisor.
  • For non-medical appeals, complete the Academic Appeals form (PDF).
  • Submit the form to your advisor who will get the form to your Associate Dean, Dr. Kimberly Smith. Any questions can be directed to 540-231-8440. 
  • Before your Academic Appeal will be officially submitted, a meeting between yourself and the Dean, Dr. Kimberly Smith, will be scheduled to review your appeal. This meeting may be in person or phone conference depending on the time of year in which your academic appeal is filed.